Saturday 15 September 2012

Hello :) My first post !

After pondering over the thought of setting up a blog for a few months, I’ve finally decided to do it, because I feel like I want to do something that is productive and brings meaning to myself. I have always wanted to create a space that’s somewhere between a cross of a beauty blog and a lifestyle blog, because these two topics are something that interest me a lot.

Why a beauty blog?
As a person with have sensitive, acne-prone skin, I am always interested in natural/herbal remedies and products that can make my skin feel and look better. I used to have bad cystic acne, I am very conscious of my skin especially the box and ice-pick scars that are most prominent on my cheeks. Although there is no miracle procedure that would erase all my skin issues all at once, I am trying my best to maintain the health of my skin and to prevent it from getting worse.  We all want naturally beautiful, flawless and glowing skin – that is something a lot of people yearn for.  However, despite my aspiration to look better, I do know my limitations. For example, the acne scarring is probably going to stay with me for life, I will never have the kind of flawless skin that you’d see on magazines (Oh wait, that’s Photoshop-ed, but you get my idea), but there are things I can do to minimise the appearance of it, and there are preventive measures I can take to avoid developing new acne scars in the future.  Taking care of the skin is a lot of hard work; after all, it’s the largest organ of the human body.

My thoughts about beauty
My  idea of beauty  is to work on what you have because, we do need to realise that each of us is unique and different in terms of lifestyle habits, diet, skin type, health, financial ability and so much, so much more. Being a part time student myself, I have limited financial resources (except that occasional splurge) to try out some products that are of a higher range and boast positive results. Therefore, I need to work my way around to find out what are the products that are within my financial means and at the same time work for me. Through this ongoing process, I’ve realised that using a more expensive product does not necessarily equate to good results because remember, a lot of the money actually goes into the packaging and advertising of the product itself.Of course in the pursuit of external beauty, one must not forget to nurture our inner beauty as well (the reverse is also true, for me), and I hope to be able to discuss issues of self-acceptance, kindness etc. along the way. 

As for the lifestyle aspect of this blog, I haven’t actually thought of a specific theme, but I have a strong liking for Zakka-related stuff, arts and craft, illustrations and…FOOOOD ! So, that’s probably where it will steer towards.

I hope that this blog would be a place for me to record my progress and process of growing into a better person and I hope that the stuff that I share would be helpful to whoever who might drop by this space :)

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